When you get a long awaited promotion, what do you do? You share the good news!
When you finally see those two pink lines, after waiting so patiently to start your own little family, what do you do? You share the good news!
What do you do when you get engaged to be married? You share the good news!
There’s a pattern here. Do you recognize it? We get so excited over life change, because for so many, it’s a fresh start, a clean slate if you will. So the most natural reaction is to share your joy and happiness with others.
When you find out that Jesus has forgiven you of EVERY sin you can ever imagine, and He took the punishment for you, so that you can live with Him for an eternity, what do you do? Was ‘share the good news’ your first reaction, or did you cringe a little because you knew where I was going with this? Why, oh why is it SO hard for us to share the most important, life changing experience that could ever happen to us, with others?
I propose that for the majority of people, it boils down to this one thing. Rejection. Oooh, such a nasty little word, that holds such a punch. Because of our own hurts from the past, the times we ourselves felt rejected, and abandoned, we can many times project our personal feelings on a situation and negatively affect the outcome before we even got started.
As believers we must firmly know who we are, having a solid grip on our true identity, so that no matter what the results are, we are not shaken. The perfect antidote for rejection is knowing that we have unconditional love from the Father, grace that abounds endlessly, and acceptance of Jesus. Once we surrender our personal agenda, laying down the surface reasons that we want to share the good news, we can get to the heart of the matter. Our motive for sharing the gospel needs to be the same motive as Jesus, to bring healing, restoration, and to introduce them to the One who can save them. Not so that we can line our own pockets with checkmarks of being a good Christian. As far as I can tell, no one is handing out gold stars for how many people you win over. When we become Kingdom minded, setting our hearts on the things of God, He will shift our hearts to feel, and think like Him. He will begin to show you what hurts His heart, and ignite a fire of passion for what breaks it. Keeping this in mind, people may refuse your offer of help, but it in no way changes your status with Jesus. He has not rejected you. You are chosen. You are loved. You ARE accepted.
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