Thursday, October 4, 2018

Judgement Free Zone

         I absolutely love the phrase “Judgement Free Zone”. If you’ve ever been in a Planet Fitness, you’ll see this phrase painted across the wall. I myself use this statement leading small groups, because I want so much for the people to know that I won’t judge them for what ever they are about to say. As hard as I work letting others know that I won’t judge them, it’s an internal battle that I struggle with, fearing that others are judging me. Sharing my own needs, hurts, and hopes makes me feel so vulnerable. I know that it is a lie, and I do my best to replace the lies with truth, but I can easily fall prey to the thoughts of “being alone” or “no one else has this issue”. It brings to mind this famous saying from C. S. Lewis, “ Friendship is born that moment when one person says to another; ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’ “ Just knowing that there is someone else out there that has gone through what I’m going through, and they survived, they are on the other side, it gives me hope. And hope is all I need.

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