I think we must debunk the myth that serving God is only for “Members Only-“ an Exclusive Club for Clergy. If you are saved, you are called to serve. They go hand in hand. Jeremiah said that the Lord told him, “ I knew you before you were even formed in your mama’s belly, I had already appointed you as my mouthpiece to the world!”. That means YOU were chosen from the get go! You, yes you, were hand selected by God to minister to His people.
I really feel like so many Christians feel un-qualified to do this. Whether it’s because we fear failure, or we’ve bought into the lies of the enemy that we’re not good enough, we have to get a hold of the truth, we must reverse our way of thinking, and discover our identity in Him. We all know that our soul consists of our mind, our will, and our emotions, and it must be “restored”. When God restores you, He brings you back to your initial purpose. As much as the world has tried to sway us from our original purpose, we must let God restore us, like an old out dated piece of furniture, we too can be gloriously restored and brought back from the ruins. The Word said that He has a plan for us, a purpose for us. One of those purposes is to minister to His people. We are all called to serve, no matter what our station in life. What most people don’t understand is that they can serve from right where they are. God can use anyone. If we can just get people to change their way of thinking, and get out of the “survival” mentality, and into the “thriving” mentality, I believe we could change the world! Jesus Himself in the gospels said that, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” If ordinary people could grasp that, and believe that what they read in Isaiah is true for themselves, then ordinary people become extraordinary ministers!
I truly believe that if people would recognize their potential, and use their God given gifts, we would see revival like we’ve never seen before. I’ll close with Isaiah 61:1- “The Spirit of God, the Master, is on me because God anointed me. He sent me to preach good news to the poor, heal the heartbroken, Announce freedom to all captives, and pardon all prisoners.” We must, as believers, be earnestly convinced that this is for us, or we will never reach our full potential as ministers.
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