“What was I thinking?, This is not what I thought it was going to be!, I’m in over my head”. Those are the thoughts that played on repeat , over and over after leaving Highlands College my first night. On my way in, I was charged with anticipation, excited even, felt like a kid on Christmas morning, about to get a present that I’d been asking my parents for, but what I got was completely not what I expected. Like the kid that was hoping for an xbox, it turns out, after the gift was unwrapped, in all it’s glory, it was a home-made knit sweater from Grandma.
So, “Hey, I’m Amy from Montgomery, Alabama”. Technically not Montgomery, because I live in the tiny town of Eclectic, population 1,026. I say Montgomery though, because no one has ever heard of Eclectic, heck, most people can’t even pronounce it. Out of the 1,026 people that make up my tiny town, I claim 4 us, myself, my good old trusty husband Heath, and two of the most amazing kids you’ll ever meet. Of course, that’s my personal opinion, but once you meet them, you’d probably agree. (By the way, It’s every Mama’s secret wish that you’d compliment her about her kids. It tends to warm her heart.)
We’ve been attending Church of the Highlands now since December of 2012, but didn’t really jump in with both feet for nearly 2 years. Honestly, I was burned out from church, tired physically, mentally, and most of all, I was dried up spiritually. I just wanted a place where no one knew my name, and I could slip in and slip out. I’m sure you’ve either been there, or know someone who has. It’s so easy to get in that position if all you do is give away from yourself and never have any one pour back into you. I was coming from a small struggling church, that needed a miracle, and those who were there were unfortunately worked to death. Not a physical death mind you, but a spiritual one. The songs were tired, the sermons were lengthy and all the mamas were spread thin as we had to “pull our weight” in the nursery. I’m sure you’re thinking, why not just leave, go someone else. Well, it was much easier said than done. It just so happened that my Father- in- Law was the Pastor, and it was out of duty that we found ourselves there.
At the end of 2012, I was miserable. I had a toddler, a new baby, and was completely overwhelmed with life in general. Without a support system, I knew I was going under, and fast. Something had to change. We decided then and there, that if we didn’t find a place that could flood us with new life, we’d end up a statistic. Finding a new church was our top priority. Years before the kids came along, I worked with a freshly married girl, that in my mind was one of the most highly regarded people I had ever known. Her name was Rachel, and at the time, she was just a former work friend, from days past. Somewhere in the back of mind though, I remembered a rumor that I heard, her and her husband Chris Erwin were starting a new church in Montgomery. We decided as a family, that maybe we’d check it out. We were considerably skeptical, when we found out they met in a hotel, and the Pastor wasn’t even there! We had nothing to loose at this point, so we went. And we went, and we went again. Fast forward now, to six years later.
I’m in Highlands College, the last place on Earth that I would have said I’d be, even just a year ago. I’m currently a Small Group Leader, a Small Group Coach, a Dream Teamer, and now let’s add “Student” to that list. Whew, guys, am I in over my head? I kind of hope so. Because if I’m in over my head, that’s the place I know I need to be, because from that position, the only cry could be, “Help me Jesus!”. I know I’m not able to do this on my own, so it just makes it so much easier to give the Glory to God, where it belongs.
Let’s revisit my earlier statement about feeling like a kid on Christmas morning, you know the one. The kid that’s wished for months that they would get a super shiny toy to show off to all their friends, but instead opened a recycled box and found the crochet sweater from Grammy Lou? Yeah, well, that kid is me. I wanted the super shiny title of Highlands College Student, proudly telling people what I was, but instead, I got a dose of reality (the ugly Christmas sweater) that Highlands doesn't need another graduate, but the Kingdom does need another servant. So, even though that “ugly sweater” isn’t exactly what I wanted, God knew that it was exactly what I needed. He knows that one day, what I glean from Highlands College will be a much needed resource for humankind. Where will it lead me? At this point, I’m not sure, but a good starting place is right here in my own backyard, my kids. They are my most important ministry right now, I’m raising leaders. So, the journey begins.
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