Thursday, October 4, 2018

Serving Others Through Small Groups

What do you love to do that you could use to serve others in the family of God?

          Honestly, this answer surprises me greatly, because if I had been asked this same question just a short 3 years ago, I would NEVER have said this,  but……..I love to lead Small Groups, especially Freedom. I know now that it was part of my design from the very beginning. If I had never experienced it for myself, I would not have discovered this God- given passion.  I know without a shadow of any doubt that this is what God put inside of me, and I don’t want to waste it. 

          Three years ago though was a completely different story, I was actually trying (half -way trying!) to discover my own freedom. It wasn’t a pretty little thing all tied up in a bow. It was ugly, it was messy, and I didn’t want to continue down that road , because it was too hard. Y’all, I even got up during one of the freedom lessons and left, I sat in my car and actually argued with God! Can you believe that? I told Him adamantly that I was NEVER going back. Can I tell you how grateful I am that I decided not to listen to myself. I went back, it wasn’t easy, but oh, it was so worth it. My freedom journey took much longer than expected, and He is still actively pursuing me, molding me, changing me,  because it’s a process, BUT, through it all, I’ve been able to move one step closer, then another step, then another….He was more concerned about my obedience in the little steps than He was about me totally figuring out everything all at once. He’s sweet like that. So now, here I am, free as a bird, leading other women through their journey, and it tickles me pink to know that the enemy didn’t stop me!

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