Monday, February 29, 2016

Who am I? vs. Who I Am.

          As I was studying The Word, trying to answer the age old question, “Who Am I?”, I decided,  that really wasn’t the right question I should be asking myself after all. The better question, I have come to believe is, “Who Is He?”.

          I had all my papers and Bible scattered around my desk with tons of sticky notes and legal pads with scribbled phrases, but in the midst of looking for who I was, I discovered who He was. I began my quest for finding out who I was and what’s my purpose, but through God’s Word, I really didn’t find myself at all. I found Jesus. I found Him when I wasn’t looking for Him. It was then, that I realized that all this time, if I had just taken my focus off of myself, and put my focus on Him, then maybe I would have known who I was a long time ago.

          After finding such treasures in the scripture, such as, how He knew my inner most being, and how the hairs on my head was numbered, and how my incompleteness was made whole through his extravagant love, I began to see that it wasn’t about me after all. What I was searching for this whole time, was found in knowing Him and who He was.  If I would only emulate His Goodness, His Glory, His Holiness, then and only then, would I even start to see the potential of myself and who I could become.
          He told me, what ever I see in Him, is also found inside of me. I only have to tap into it. If I see that He is abundant in love, then I should see love abundantly flowing through myself. Like a mirror image, the more I know Him, the more I should look like Him. So, when I look into a mirror, the reflection I see should be Him, not me. He has put all of those things inside me, yes, me! The more I study His Word, the more I talk to him, the more I know Him, the more I start to look like Him, and reflect His image.

           I don’t want people to see me, I want them to see the Jesus in me. I want them to see His Completeness, His Wholeness, His Forgiveness, His Love. I need to be so aware of Jesus and His Character that I start to take on His characteristics. I want to talk like Jesus, I want to walk like Jesus, I want to Love like Jesus. When I look in the mirror, I no longer want to see myself staring back at me wondering who I am, I want to boldly look into that reflection and see the beauty of my Savior.

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